“Justice will be delayed, as will Floridians’ access to public records.” The line echoes many editorials I wrote about this stuff for The Palm Beach Post, one reason I strongly recommend this.
“Justice will be delayed, as will Floridians’ access to public records.” The line echoes many editorials I wrote about this stuff for The Palm Beach Post, one reason I strongly recommend this.
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Regarding a topic I occasionally am invited to speak about, another reminder that news journalism and newspapers aren’t neccesarily the same thing:
I’m not too surprised about the kind words my friend Chuck Keefer had for me at his Charles Keefer Riding blog. Mainly because I could have said the same of him — and dozens more of our former Palm Beach Post colleagues. That speaks volumes about the folks with whom we shared our craft — and our commitment to it. Chuck and I hit it off as soon as I had occasion to work with him. He became my original go-to guy for computer/tech issues, Macs in particular. It was back when, as I recall, my Post computer login was CeeBee, his Ceekay. He was as fond of a certain computer game — I think it was the naval war simulator Harpoon — as I later became of the original SimCity. I don’t recall when we “FaceBook friended.” But I noted his mention a few days ago that Apple promised April 3 delivery of his iPad. Chuck just told his other readers to check out my blog, which I’ve been too busy to properly promote. I’m returning the favor regarding his, which you’ll find listed on my blogroll once I’ve set it up. While I keep tabs on my erudite friend, you can join me in getting a first-class take on his Apple toy. Thanks for everything CeeKay. U Still Da Man.
For those who have been asking, yes I plan to be back with more on my journey to Baku, Azerbaijan for the Organization of News Ombudsmen. Thanks for the encouragement. For now here’s the always informative Aaron in Azerbaijan with links underscoring the serious journalism concerns I heard there. Meanwhile I’m gearing to fulfill commitments made before I went. They include speaking engagements (increasingly with nice honoraria, for which I’m also thankful), that have picked up since the first of the year.
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The jazz heads who never miss a beat were there. So were the students who came out to enjoy — and play — this classical American music. The Palm Beach Arts Paper just posted my feature on the 14th annual Melton Mustafa Jazz Festival.
Melton Mustafa on trumpet leads the master quartet featuring pianist Edward Simon, bassist Ed Howard and drummer Victor Lewis.
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Am heading down to serve as a Literature category judge for the 27th annual Pathfinder High School Scholarship Awards. The program honors outstanding Palm Beach and Martin County seniors. It’s one of the best things that The Palm Beach Post, one of my former newspapers, does. I only regret that due to a previous obligation it is unlikely I can be at the Kravis Center on May 12 to help announce and congratulate the scholarship winners. But these kids already are winners in my book.
“Just another blog about Azerbaijan,” says Aaron McKean at Aaron in Azerbaijan. For me and other visitors, this Peace Corps volunteer’s keen insights on his host country and its people make compelling reading.
March 8 was International Women’s Day, including in Azerbaijan.
Back in South Florida, March 9 is Election Day in some municipalities. For a quick look at some of the candidates in The Coastal Star’s circulation area, check out my candidate profiles:
Arriving in Baku, Azerbaijan on behalf of the international Organization of News Ombudsmen, with days full of media meetings lined up, I had figured on spending my evenings pondering musical higher mathematics in what I’d heard were the city’s thriving jazz clubs.
But my hosts, Taleh Shahsuvarli and Matlab Mutallimli, had mapped that part of my schedule too. Far beyond any of my expectations.
With my hosts and staff members of Internews, the Azerbaijan Public Association producers of Media Forum.
Finally. Here in Baku, Azerbaijan, speaking to journalists on behalf of the Organization of News Ombudsmen. It’s still hard to get my brain around that fact, but for those who can read Azeri, here are links to the first media reports.
→ 3 CommentsTags: Gunel Jannatova·Matlab Mutallimli·ONO·Taleh Shahsuvarli